Types of Yeast Dough
Lean Dough: is one that is low in fat and sugar.
French, Italian, Kaiser and other hard rolls and pizza dough are the leanest of all bread products.
White, whole wheat, and dinner rolls have a higher fat and sugar content and sometimes contain eggs and milk solids. Because they are richer, they generally have a soft crust.
Breads made with other grains, such as Rye breads, are produced with light, dark, or pumpernickel flour, and with various flavorings, especially molasses and caraway seeds.
Rich Dough: in general, rich dough is dough that contains higher proportions of fat, sugar, and sometimes eggs.
Non-sweet bread, such as, rich dinner rolls, brioche.
Sweet rolls, including coffee cakes and many breakfast and tea rolls.
Laminated Dough/Rolled-In Dough: are those in which a fat is incorporated into the dough in many layers by using a rolling and folding procedure, giving it a flaky texture.
Non-sweet: Croissants
Sweet: Danish pastry